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Brian Gorman

Brian Gorman Profile Photo

Transformation Coach, Author

Coming of age during the civil rights movement, then attending college as anti-Vietnam war protests grew from whispers to claim a national voice, it is not surprising that change took root in Brian Gorman early and has never let go. For decades, he has been engaged with change at the individual, organizational, and social levels. Today, Brian works as a certified professional coach. Through his business TransformingLives.Coach, he serves clients who are facing major personal and professional transitions in their lives. Many of his clients are business owners who are looking for support in taking their organizations to the next level of success or who find themselves working for their business instead of the business working for them.
Brian addresses change in the workplace, and the leader’s role in change, in his articles for Forbes Coaches Council. In December 2020 he presented at TEDx Hartford on his journey through change which began as a freshman at Syracuse University, continued through his own coming out, taking in and adopting a homeless gay teen, and much more. His chapter, “The Hero and the Sherpa,” is the lead chapter of Springer Publishing’s Personal, Educational, and Organizational Transformation: Leading During Times of Metacrisis (June 2023). Brian is currently writing his first full-length book, Enlightened Leadership.
Brian is an International Coach Federation (ICF) certified professional coach, a member of ICF-New York City, and a member of the Gay Coaches Alliance. TransformingLives.Coach is a Certified LGBT Business Enterprise.

July 19, 2023

Enlightened Leadership: Redefining The Norms For Tomorrow's Leaders W…

In this episode, guest Brian Gorman discusses the revolutionary concept of the 4-Day Work Week, the role of enlightened leadership in today's dynamic workplace, and the unique nature of every change journey. Brian delves into...

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