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Dr. Cristina Castagnini

Dr. Cristina Castagnini Profile Photo

Eating Disorder Specialist

Dr. Castagnini’s clinical expertise comes from her 25+ years of treating patients with a variety of mental health diagnoses, supervising postdoctoral residents, and holding the position as the lead eating disorder specialist at a major hospital for over 15 years. Her continued passion for helping others and spreading awareness about mental health issues led to the opening of her own thriving practice and to her hosting a weekly podcast, Behind the Bite.

Jan. 24, 2024

Healing and Hope: Dr. Cristina Castagnini's Journey Through Eating Disorder Recovery

In this episode "Healing and Hope: Dr. Cristina Castagnini's Journey Through Eating Disorder Recovery," sponsored by Harford County Health Department, Rich Bennett interviews Dr. Cristina Castagnini, a psychologist specializing in eating disorders. Dr. Castagnini shares her personal battle with an …