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Nathaniel A. Turner, JD, MALS

Nathaniel A. Turner, JD, MALS Profile Photo

Father/Author/Humanity Propulsion Engineer/College & Career Readiness Strategist

Nathaniel A. Turner is a breath of fresh air. As one of the most entertaining and captivating Renaissance people of our day, he's sought after by organizations and individuals worldwide to share the tools, techniques, and strategies to live life in the present with joy on purpose.

The Humanitarian Propulsion Engineer, College & Career Readiness Strategist, TED Speaker, and author's work includes the books: Raising Supaman, Stop the Bus, It's A Jungle Out There, Journey Forward, and The Amazing World of STEM. Nate shares an audio version of his unique style of envisioning and manifesting the best version of himself across numerous social media platforms.

Everything Nate shares today was proofed and measured for nearly thirty years, beginning with endeavoring to give an unborn child a life better than he had. Successfully designing his child's life backward, he discovered that the process now known as 'The Life Template,' which includes a suite of academic and social tools, techniques, and strategies, might be helpful for others.

It's worth noting that Turner's son not only met Harvard's admission benchmarks (i.e., test scores in the top 1%, 33 college credits by his junior year, proficiency in four languages, left home after his junior year to play soccer in Brazil, and started a foundation to address teen homelessness); he eviscerated the profiled criterion by his sixteenth birthday.

Nate's son met the rigorous educational requirements of the top colleges and universities without means of wealth, privilege, legacy status, fraud, bribery, cheating, Affirmative Action, or Adobe Photoshop. His son earned acceptance to twenty-seven of America's best undergraduate colleges and universities, Ph.D. fellowships to seven of America's best engineering graduate schools, and MBA offers from four of America's top business schools.

Today, Turner's son holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. Furthermore, Turner's son is a first-year MBA student at a top School of Business. Turner's 'Life Template' helped his son receive more than a million dollars in free education.

Today, Nate teaches businesses, schools, not-for-profits, and families how to achieve any goal or objective, like being college and career ready through backward design. Nate's life mission is simple.

First, he wants us to consider who we are and whether we are now who we want to be when we are no more. Second, he wants us all to embrace our responsibility to leave the planet better than it was when we arrived by helping, serving, and making sure all who encounter us know their lives matter.

Invite Nate for a conversation. You will enjoy traveling with him on a stretch of the remarkable journey called life. Together you will laugh aloud, be provoked to think creatively and strategize ways to serve something greater than yourself.


Learn More About Nathaniel A. Turner

Aug. 25, 2023

Empathy, Education, and Empowerment: Nathaniel Turner's Approach to Parenting and Humanity

Nathaniel Turner is a distinguished Humanitarian Propulsion Engineer, College & Career Readiness Strategist, TED Speaker, and accomplished. He brings fresh perspectives on education, parenting, and personal development. His a...